Beyond the Press Release: How Content Can Revitalize Your PR Efforts

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Pitching still occupies a large chunk of PR pros’ time and responsibilities as organizations and clients call for media coverage. However, as more and more stories saturate print publications, online news outlets and social media platforms, PR pros must do more than deliver a compelling pitch to create brand buzz. Molly Mita, communications manager at ESPN, will show how the organization is moving beyond the press release without abandoning it, along with insights and ideas to inspire PR creativity by creating consumable, authentic content that speaks to your organization’s voice and goals.

You’ll learn:

Ways to gather content analytics and data to learn what types of content and stories your audience wants to consume

How to tell your organization’s stories and weave in corporate messaging with innovative, new angles to capture attention

How videos and images can power your content efforts—as well as spice up your pitching

Tips for getting your organization’s stakeholders involved in the content creation and distribution process

How to identify stories that make people click—and how to publish them yourself

  • Molly Mita
    Communications manager