Give Them Something to Talk About: Content Strategies That Drive Success

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Communicators can escape such common pain points as low consumer engagement and lackluster media coverage by unearthing interesting stories and brainstorming content ideas that trump traditional product announcements and corporate “news.” How can you get started—and grab executive approval? Jessica Lange Hollister, director of communications and events for The North Face, will share the secrets of the savvy content strategy that the organization uses to launch successful brand narratives and boost media relations, traditional marketing efforts and communications initiatives.

You’ll learn:

  • How to generate buzzworthy content and ideas that will spark conversation
  • Why content marketing is a shared effort across PR, internal and executive communications, and marketing departments
  • How PR pros can overcome content obstacles and come up with fresh solutions to uncover the stories that must be told
  • Ways content can drive other successes, including media coverage, paid advertising and social media engagement
  • Tips for well-rounded influencer programs and relationships
  • Jessica Lange Hollister
    Director of communications and events
    The North Face