Embrace your inner nerd: Using data as your communications superpower

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“Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound!” Most of us know how to create content, but you can make your content super by focusing on the sexy side of science. By learning more about information psychology, brain science, and technology trends, you can influence communication efforts across multiple platforms and audiences, both internally and externally, that work best for today’s quickly moving digital environment.

Kristin Graham, principal of culture and communications at Amazon, will share insights about our ever-changing audience(s) and how to anticipate their needs and be more nimble in your messages and content. Through a collection of “nerd facts,” you’ll learn how to craft bite-sized content and stretch your comfort zones to get people’s attention and interaction.

  • Kristin Graham
    Comms Leader & Facilitator
    Unlock the Brain