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As your brand decides how to take a stand on a timely topic of national conversation, putting the wants and need of employees first is always the safe move. But in an age of talent turnover at a record high and evolving employee engagement, framing your decisions around the state of the economy can go a long way toward aligning various stakeholders — from clients and investors to execs and social media trolls — with your values. In this session, Curtis Sparrer, principal and co-founder of tech firm Bospar PR, will share how the agency rolled out its staff relocation program in response to the state’s ban on abortion in 2021 by framing the talent retention initiative as a good business decision.
You’ll learn:
- What Bospar’s communications team learned from launching its staff relocation program
- How to tether controversial or politically charged positions to larger economic and business considerations
- Ways to echo employee sentiment in media appearances and external messaging that let them know leadership empathizes with their experience
- Tips for crafting purpose messaging as a call-to-action for other businesses in your industry