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Mary Olson-Menzel
Founder and CEO
MVP Executive Search & Coaching
Mary Olson-Menzel is the founder and CEO of MVP Executive Search & Coaching, and co-founder of SparkinSight Coaching. She leads executive recruitment and coaching on a national level across multiple offices. With over 25 years of experience in the corporate world, startups, private equity and consulting, she has successfully counseled, coached and recruited top talent across the country. In addition to managing and building high performing corporate teams, she has advised organizations to help create diversity and inclusion in order to achieve their strategic goals. She serves on several charity committees, including her own charity to fight breast cancer, MVP Yoga for a Cure. She previously served as a Chapter Chair and Coaching Facilitator for the Women Presidents Organization (WPO).
Melissa Shahbazian
SparkinSight Coaching
Melissa Shahbazian is the co-founder of SparkinSight Coaching. An executive coach and facilitator with over 10 years of experience, she specializes in the future of work. Her recent projects have included individual C-suite coaching domestically and workshops with C-suite professionals and their teams internationally. She is published in Forbes, Coaching Connection and The Hollywood Reporter. She has an accreditation in Emotional Intelligence and Team Emotional Intelligence–JCA Occupational Psychologists, UK. She's also a licensed Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Consultant, a Grove Consultant, Graphic Facilitation, Certified NLP Instructor, Licensed Lego® Strategic Play Consultant and Applied Improvisation Practitioner.